Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spring/Summer Fun

Most importantly, Darren's sister came home from her mission in Peru this spring! Yay! Welcome Home Christa!!

We are sad to see the warm weather go, but we definitely took full advantage.

We spent lots of time outdoors.

Stratt learned to ride a 2 wheel bike and hasn't stopped since.

My parents came to visit.

I went on a girls weekend trip with my sisters and my mom . . . it was so fun! Especially the part about waking up with no kids to take care of! Definitely a much needed break.

The boys did lots of fishin' . . .

. . . which meant eating lots of great fish!

The boys did lots of tree climbing . . .

and even enjoyed some time hanging out and reading in the trees! I think my neighbors must think we're crazy!

Quincy really enjoyed baseball this year! Much more exciting than T-ball, that's for sure!

Darren had NeoCon up in Chicago this summer, and so the kids and I decided to join him for the week and just go to some fun museums and the beach. We had a great time!

I'm glad my boys have Darren, because he lets them do all the fun naughty things, like throw sand at each other, while I'm not looking. I seriously have like 50 pictures of them just hucking sand at each other. I don't get it, but it's a good thing Darren understands boys.

Darren went to Scout Camp for a week with his Boy Scout troop. It was lots of craziness, I'm sure. Quincy can't wait until he gets to go to Scout Camp!

We went down to Nauvoo with our friends, Ted and Amber and their kids, and watched the Nauvoo Pageant for the first time. The boys really enjoyed it!

Thanks for coming Ted, Amber, Kara, and Dillon!

We finally painted the back of our house and stained our deck.

this is just getting started: (I hate it when Darren is up this high, but I hate doing it too, so I'm glad he's willing) :)

The boys worked on finishing the shed:

Even Tuck got in on the action:

I definitely prefer my boys clean:

At the end of the summer we took a 3,750 mile road trip to Gardnerville, NV to see Darren's family and then to Boise to see my family. My mom drove with me on the way out and then Darren drove back with me. It was crazy, but a fun adventure! (pics to come)

And by the end, we were exhausted! :)